[Thompson, Edward H.]

James B. Pond Presents Thompson - of Yucatan ... “America’s Answer to Egypt”.
N.p. [?NY], n.d. c. 1920.

A publicity brochure, 4to. pp. 4; photo. port. of Thompson to front and rear covers, illusts.; very good in the original self-wrappers.

Thompson, an American archaeologist, spent most of his life in Yucatan exploring and excavating Mayan sites. His discoveries were shipped to US institutions such as the Field Columbian Museum and the Peabody Museum at Harvard University. In 1926 the Mexican Government seized his home in Yucatan, and Thompson leased it to the Carnegie Institute. He returned to the USA, writing and lecturing. The present advertising leaf, issued by the lecture tour promoter James B. Pond, provides details of Thompson’s career and discoveries.

Stock no: 8956